Accessing public services - Guide for parents. Cerebra
ADHD NICE Guidance - This guideline covers recognising, diagnosing and managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, young people and adults. ( see 'J' for judicial review)
ADHD Strategies and support - Additude
Annual reviews SOSSEN: What annual reviews are for, how to prepare for them and what happens after an annual review.
Appeal: A Guide to the SEN Tribunal by Aoife Murray, SEN Specialist. Douglas Silas Solicitors (also see template letters)
Appeal: Appeals as part of the National Trial -Ipsea Charity
Appeal: Advice on mediation - SEN help
Appeal: Advice on Tribunal appeals - Contact
Appeal: Download the forms needed for appeals - SEN help
Appeal: Guidance for producing a First Tier Tribunal Bundle - Guidance for producing a Tribunal Bundle for the First-tier Tribunal SEND (SEND40)
Appeal: Preparing for an appeal - Ipsea Charity
Appeal: When can you appeal to the First Tier Tribunal, SENDIST?
Aphasia -Child Neurology Foundation
Apraxia (Speech sounds) -Speechdisorder.org
Auditory Processing Disorder - Great Ormond Street Hospital
Autism - Information and support. NAS
Autism and education - information from Ambitious about Autism
Autism Act - National Autistic Society
Behavioural difficulties - Beacon House
Behaviour - EEF guidance for improving behaviour in schools
Behaviour management in schools - Studio 3
Bercow 10 years on a report - on the state of provision for children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
Bereavement and loss - Advice and information from Winston Wish. (Also see Grief and loss)
Blind - Support and advice from RSBC
Blue Badge Scheme - Information from your local council.
Brain Injury (ABI) Acquired Brain Injury
Carers assessment in England - Factsheet for parents. Cerebra
Carers assessment in Wales - Factsheet for parents. Cerebra
Case Law Noddy Guide 2019 - Matrix law
Case Law updates - Council for Disabled Children
CDC’s case law - digest service provides essential updates on the latest judicial decisions affecting disabled children and young people and those with SEN.
Cerebral Palsy Support for people affected by Cerebral Palsy
Cerebal Palsy Speech therapy for Cerebral Palsy explained
(SEND) Code of Practice 2014 - Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from 1 September 2014
Children and Families Act 2014
Communication Friendly Environment - Tips from Communication Trust (PDF)
Complaints about a local authority -Information and model letter from Ipsea
Continence - Bowel and bladder issues. Advice from ERIC charity
Coproduction - Advice from Gareth Morewood (also see parental engagement)
Coproduction - What is coproduction? Moving from theory to practice. By G.Morewood
Council Tax Discounts - for disabled people
Deafness - National Deaf Children's Society
Deaf Information - British Deaf Association
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - advice and information from NAPLIC
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - Videos to learn more about DLD from This is DLD
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - What is DLD? RCSLT
Diabetes UK - Charity
Diabetes JDRF - Information and support for Type 1 Diabetes
Disability living allowance (DLA) - Mythbuster for parents and carers. Cerebra
Disabled Children's legal Handbook Available to download or buy An accessible guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England and Wales.
Disabled young people - Advice for Disabled young people going to university. Steve Broach.
Disability Discrimination - Ipsea
Disability Discrimination - Child Law Advice
Disability Discrimination Technical Guidance for Schools - EHRC
Down's Syndrome Education Advice, Research, Information
Down syndrome community news: Making Chromosomes Count
Draft EHCP - SENhelp
Draft EHCP. Negotiate a Draft EHCP - SOSSEN
Draft EHCP - Model letter: Responding to an EHCP draft
Dyscalculia - Maths difficulties and Dyscalculia. British dyslexia association
Dyscalculia - Advice for parents and schools. Ronit Bird
Dyslexia - General information. Understood.org
Dyspraxia - Dyspraxia Foundation
Dysphagia - RCSLT
EAL and SEND - advice and information from NALDIC
Eating disorders - Information and support form BEAT
Eating disorders in children under 12 - Information from Hope
Eating disorders - Toolkit for schools
EHCP: EHC Assessments - Ipsea (also see Template letters)
EHCP: EHC assessment: how to request an assessment. - What must happen in an EHC assessment. How to appeal a decision
EHCP: EHC assessment -Model letter: Request an EHC assessment
EHCP: EHC assessment: From requesting an assessment to appealing a decision - SOSSEN
EHCP: EHCP provision -Model letter: Complaining when the provision is not being made
EHCP: Draft EHCP - SENhelp
EHCP: Draft EHCP. Negotiate a Draft EHCP - SOSSEN
EHCP: Draft EHCP - Model letter: Responding to an EHCP draft
Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) - Information and support from EhlersDanlos.Org
Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) - Information and support from HMSA
Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) - Support groups
Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) - Toolkit from RCGP
Encephalitis: Advice and information - Eden Dora Trust
Epilepsy - ESUK epilepsy advice and support
Epilepsy - The identification of educational problems in childhood epilepsy
Equality Act (Disability) Regulations 2010
Equality Advisory and Support Service Advice, support, helpline
Exclusions Advice - Ipsea
Exclusions Advice and Free Representation - School Exclusion Project
Exclusion and Disability Discrimination Ipsea
Exclusions. Informal Exclusion - Ipsea
Exclusions What is legal? - Information from NCB, Ipsea ASCL,
FAQ's about Funding in schools for SEND
Funding information for SEND provision -SENhelp
Grief and Loss - Advice and support from Farleigh Hospice (also see bereavement and loss)
Grief and Loss - Young minds
Hearing loss, Hearing Impairment
Hypermobility - Hypermobility Syndromes Association
IPSEA Charity - Ipsea offer free independent information, advice, support and training
Judicial Review Information - SOSSEN
Judicial Review Blog - Why judicial review is a real remedy in SEND and disability cases. By Steve Broach, Barrister
Learning difficulties. Learning disabilities
Legal advice - advice for parents and carers on finding the right legal advice
Local Government Ombudsman (LGO)
Looked after children - advice and support from Family Action
Local Area SEND inspections, How can parents get involved? - Blog by C.Ryan
Local Area SEND Inspections. Where are we now? - Blog by Matt Keer
Local Offer - SEN help
Mediation advice - SEN help
Medical conditions - Guidance for schools supporting learners with medical conditions
Medical conditions in schools - Working collaboratively to keep children with medical conditions safe in school.
Mental health first aid - Advice, posters, information for schools. MHFA England
Multi Sensory Impairment - Sensory support service
Neurodiversity - advice and information on neurodiversity and co-occurring conditions. Do-IT
Neurodiversity - advice and information on neurodiversity and co-occuring conditions. Genius Within
Occupational Therapy - What is occupational therapy?
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder
Parental engagement - review of best practice (also see coproduction)
Parental engagement - Making conversations with schools count for all families. Whole school SEND (also see coproduction)
Person centred planning - advice and information for schools
Person centred planning - research
Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
Physiotherapy - What is Physiotherapy?
Preparing for Adulthood A guide
SCERTS - the SCERTS model. Find out more from SCERTS.com
School Attendance and Attendance Awards help for Parents of Children with Medical Conditions PDF
Self-harm - Advice for those supporting people with learning disabilities
Self-harm - Guidance for schools (2014)
Self-harm - Information for parents/carers
Self-harm - Information about treating self-harm in children and teens
Selective mutism - Information from Maggie Johnson, SM specialist
Selective mutism - Information from SMIRA
SEND law and guidance - Code of practice, SEND Regs, Children's and families act, plus template letters from SENhelp (also see template letters)
SENDIST Tribunal -What the first tier tribunal does (also see 'Appeals')
Sensory Processing Difficulties - Video
Sensory Processing Difficulties - Info
Sensory Processing Difficulties - Book
Sensory Processing Difficulties - Top tips for everyday life
Sleep tips | Sleep cards | Sleep mythbuster - From Cerebra
Social care in England and Social care in Wales - Cerebra
Social care information, advice and support - Inclusion London has worked with solicitors and specialists such as professor Luke Clements to put together resources to help disabled people and DDPOs understand how the system should work and what the law says.
Social Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH) - Toolkit from nasen
Social Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH) - Beacon House
Social Communication Disorder. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder - RCSLT
Solicitors: HCB
Solicitors: Irwin Mitchell
Solicitors: Simpson Millar
Solicitors: Sinclairs Law
SOS!SEN Charity - SOS!SEN offer a free, independent and confidential telephone helpline, drop in advice centres and information.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 England Amendments
Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014
Special Educational Needs Code of Practice Guide - Douglas Silas Solicitors
Speech and Language Therapy Factsheet - RCSLT
Speech, language and communication needs - Ican helpline
Speech, Language and Communication needs CPD for Teachers - Communication Trust
Speech, Language and Communication needs Information for Student Teachers - Communication Trust
Speech Sound Disorder - Child Mind
Stammering - Stammering.org
Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Needs - Communication Trust
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at School - Statutory guidance about the support that pupils with medical conditions should receive at school.
#TeamSEND - You can find others within the SEND community for advice or support on Twitter by searching the hashtag #TeamSEND
Template letters - Addressing a wide range of difficulties parents and carers of young people with SEND might face. From Cerebra
Template letters - Appealing and challenging a wide range of difficulties parents and carers face accessing SEND processes
Transition support - Downloadable resources available on our homepage
Transition to adulthood - audit tool for professionals
Transport advice -Simpson Millar Solicitors
Transport blog -By @KaraChrome
Transport support- SENTAS provides parents and young adults with information, advice and advocacy around issues with SEND home to school and college transport
Trauma Advice Information and Resources - Beacon House
Tribunals: -Also see 'Appeals'
Visual Impairment -RSCB
Visual Processing difficulties -Understood.org