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This list was last updated - 04/05/2020
- An inclusive skills/child-led curriculum for young people with additional needs and for those who might be struggling to engage with work at home - free for families.
- Transition passport Providing individualised support during school transitions - for children and young people, who might struggle with anxiety, changes to routines and who might require a personalised approach to transition.
Speech sound resources
- Free speech sound resources - Humber NHS trust
- Free visuals for speech sounds - momma speech therapy
- Speech sounds words | phrases | sentences - free resources - Home speech Home
- A huge range of speech sound resources - Twinkl
- Listening activity for children - Cbeebies
- Listening games - Speech Link
- Hearing the difference between sounds - Speech Link
- Hear sounds at the beginning and end of words - Speech link
- Free 'R' word resources - Bossy R word
- Saying 'i' and 'ee' game (English) - Twinkl
- Speech sound resources - Speaking of Speech
Language resources
- Webinar - Developing spoken language within the early years - WordAware
- Developing vocabulary and spoken language - Word games for families - Word aware Word games for schools - Wordaware. Thinking Talking
- Developing early vocabulary. Matching game - Twinkl
- Early language and play ideas - BBC Tiny happy people | Hungry little minds | Small talk
- Shape coding App - £2.99 to purchase - Apple/IOS | Google play/android
- A huge range of language resources covering various targets - Twinkl
- Sequencing and narrative - worksheets
- Sequencing - Functional daily tasks
- Problem-solving scenarios - Home speech home
- Vocabulary games - SpeechLink
- Questioning and verbal reasoning - Twinkl
- Attention and listening resources - Twinkl
- Listening activity for children - Cbeebies
- Auditory memory resources and activities - Twinkl
- Speaking and listening resources and activities - Twinkl
- Word finding, vocabulary, and categories - Humber NHS
- Colourful semantics resources - Integrated treatment services
- Understanding and using concepts 'first' and 'last - Language link
- Prepositions (in/on/under/behind/in front/ next-to) - Language link
- Following simple instructions - Language link
- Understanding and using negatives - 'Cant' | 'Can't' and 'don't' | 'No' and 'Not' | 'Like, don't like' | 'But not..'
- Understanding and using pro-nouns - 'Him, Her, Them' | 'He, She, They - 1 | 'He, She, They' - 2
- Understanding and using verbs/action words - Past and present tense verbs - 1 | Past and present tense verbs - 2 | Past tense verbs | Future tense verbs - 1 | Future tense verbs - 2
- Predicting what might happen next? - Language link
- Understanding and using 'Wh' questions - When? | Who? What? Where? | What?
- Why? Cards - Language link
- Developing vocabulary - Naming everyday items / Naming actions items
- Understanding and using concepts 'Same' and 'different' - Language link
- Identifying and naming categories - Language link
- Describing items using categories, what they're used for, or labeling features of them - Language link
- Understanding and using 'yes' and 'no' - Language link
- Idioms - ReadWriteThink
Speech and language activity resources and information
- Download 5 free communication boards, plus instructions for use - on our homepage here
- Or, download each board separately below:
- More/stop | More/stop plus activities | Core vocabulary plus activities | Core vocabulary - games and Ipad | Basic vocabulary -for playing with bubbles/ballons
- More communication boards - Hospitals, etc, and instructions
- Ideas for activities, and SLCN's information - Time to talk
- Speech and language ideas for children - SALT by the sea
- Ideas for practicing speech and language at home - Sheffield university
- Information and support for people who stammer, parents, families, and professionals - Stamma | Michael Palin Centre
- Intensive interaction - Introduction | Resources
- Widget - free and unrestricted access to Widgit Online and it’s ready-made materials for 30 days
- Free 90-day trial - Boardmaker online
- 10 weeks of free books, communication supports, speech/language activities for students with communication difficulties and SEND - Tobiidynavox
- Resources and advice for supporting children who are early years and primary aged. Hints and tips to support play and communication - ICAN charity
- APD support - Information and links about Auditory processing disorder
- NAPLIC - Developmental language disorder information
- ICAN charity - Talking Point - information on children’s communication
- The Communication Trust - Resources for parents
- The Communication Trust - Resources for all ages
Credit: Do-It solutions
Occupational Therapy (OT) resources and information
- Fizzy resources, by Kim Griffin, OT
- Handwriting - Pencil control pack | Make letters upper and lower case | Handwriting practice
- Fine motor activities - 11am daily, with Kim Griffin, OT
- Twinkl - Handwriting sheets | Letter formation
- Hand Gym - Fine motor exercises - Beacon House
- Scissor skills - Download a pack here
- Under the sea sensory bag - Twinkl - Butterfly sensory bag
- Home sensory processing activities - Obstacle course
- Yoga Cards - Created by an Occupational Therapist
- Activity ideas - Fine motor, sensory processing, muscle strength, etc
- Sensory processing activities - Sensory integration activities
- Sensory-based activities - Sensory Spectacle
- Sensory Project - List of online, sensory learning resources
- 150 Sensory based learning activities - Inclusive Teach
- Picture dictionary - Visual memory resources
- Podcasts on sensory processing - SENDcast
- Introduction to sensory processing - Podcasts from Living a Sensory Life
- Active bingo cards - ideas for movement breaks
Visuals and visual timetable resources
- Digital visual timetable you can use/adapt on a phone/tablet - Free trial - PicturePath App
- School closures kit - including visuals/Pecs, First/then board
- Pecs / visuals / Boardmaker resources GoBoardmaker
- 10 weeks of free content, leveled and thematic units created with Boardmaker - books, communication supports, speech/language activities for students with communication difficulties and SEND - Tobiidynavox
- Making choices board - Twinkl
AAC resources
- Widgit Online - Free, 30-day access. Create indivdualised boards
- Free, adaptable commenting boards and a guide to using them - AAC website
- Guides to using various AAC devices - Call Scotland
- Free games accessible via alternative methods - Eye gaze/switch, etc - SENict resources
- Fun resources for switch users - PC free switch games
- Free Eye gaze games - Special effects
- Inclusive apps (switch/eye gaze) - Inclusive technology
- Free communication boards - and instructions
- How to use communication boards
- More/stop - 2 images
- More/stop - activities - 6 images
- Core vocabulary - for a range of activities - 8 images
- Core vocabulary - for games and Ipad - 16 images
- Basic vocabulary - playing with bubbles/ballon - 16 images
- More communication boards - Hospitals, etc, and instructions
Signing resources
- BSL - free online course for under 18's
- BSL resource pack - Twinkl
- Free Makaton resources - Makaton
- Green Eggs and Ham - Makaton signed Dr Zeuss Story
- Signing sessions - Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2pm - Soundabout
- Signing Hands - Signed stories On Mon-Fri 10.30am join Signing Hands, on FaceBook | YouTube or Zoom for some daily fun
- Animal signing game - Twinkl
- Makaton-signed video -To help those with communication difficulties understand the current situation
- Makaton Coronavirus social story - Free to download
Visual impairment resources
- Worksheets in Braille - BrailleWeek
- Resources to support those with - Visual impairment
- Free apps to support students who are blind or visually impaired - Accessibite
- Inclusive apps - Inclusive technology
Literacy resources - Dyslexia and learning difficulties
- Dyslexia friendly - free, fun resources - Crossbow Education
- Reader Pen - A pen scanner for those with reading difficulties - that reads text out aloud in English/Spanish/French - Free 14 day trial - Sign up here
- CrickerSoft - Reading and writing software for all abilities - Free during this period
- Inclusive apps - Inclusive technology
- Learn to touch-type - Free access
- Free apps to support students who have reading difficulties - Accessibyte
- Phonic reading games for all children, including those who cannot read or have dyslexia. Email: for 20% off using cv2020 - Trugs
- Emily Weston - 16 activities that children can use to aid their home reading, or their reading in school. It has a range of skills included such as prediction, summarising and inference
- Free access to Clicker at home during this period - CrickSoftware
- Teach your child to read - free resources
- PedFed - Free, daily literacy videos
- Free Phonics resources for children with SEND - Ann Sullivan (you might be asked to create a free account to access the resources)
- Reading aloud - Children can listen to stories being read aloud - YouTube
- Free online picture book activities - from books children might recognise - Anderson Press
- David Walliams - One audio story every day - free
- Gruffalo workshop, and lots more. Plus stories read by Tony Ross, author - 7 stories, Facebook
- Podcasts on dyslexia - SENDcast
Maths/numeracy resources
- Times table - Free App
- PedFed - Free, daily maths videos
- Simple addition game - Twinkl
Down Syndrome resources
- A list of resources to support learners with Down Syndrome and their families - Down Syndrome
- Inclusive apps - Inclusive technology
ADHD, autism
- ADHD and Me - a book for children and young people to help them understand what ADHD means to them as an individual Also available as a digital download
- ASD awareness centre - coping with change
- Resources to support young people with autism - Resources for Teens | Strategies for adults supporting | Attention Autism (attention and listening activities
- HowToADHD - Helping people understand more about ADHD - YouTube videos - How to explain ADHD
- Resources to support young people with autism - Resources for Teens | Strategies for adults supporting | Attention Autism (attention and listening activities
- Ambitious about Autism - National charity for autism and education
- ADDISS - ADHD charity - resources and information
- Reach out Autism - Blogs and advice
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
- FASD - Teaching resources for children with FASD
Learning activities and resources for a range of additional needs
- Advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books, and resources for children with SEND - SEN resources blog
- FREE downloadable inclusive resources - Inclusive teach
- Ideas for accessible and inclusive games, apps, resources - ALN home school
- There's an App for that! - A list of useful Apps for people with disabilities
- SEN - Free SEND resources
- Toy Theatre - Fun educational resources
- Let's all create - Online music lessons - SEND focused
- Fun, accessible, activity and games Apps - for people with disabilities
- Free Home Learning resources for families and schools - includes virtual tours of museums, zoos, online learning, music, arts/culture, and much, much more!
- Free spelling App - SirLinkalot
- Simple science activities - For children with SEND - WeCanAccess
- Free, daily maths and literacy videos - for primary aged children
- Free digital book and resources - explaining Coronavirus. Illustrated by Alex Scheffler
- Fun learning games online - Covering a range of topics and interests - BreakOutEd
Life skills
- Skills Builder - learning essential skills at home
- Real-life learning - Resources to support functional and life skills for children and young people during school closures
- First News - a newspaper for young people to get them thinking and talking about current affairs in a non-threatening way
Fun, engaging, online & offline activities
- Lockdown essentials - Facebook group sharing ideas/resources for SEND families
- Rocket kids club - Everyone can watch and be part of our Rocket Kids Club Shows broadcasting live every Friday
- Life skills challenges - A programme for young people with SEND
- Scavenger Hunts - Free 'find a....' activity sheets
- Learn to play the piano - Free Apple App
- Gardening - A short course for all abilities aged 13-19 years-old
- Free Photography Challenge - YouTube
- 40 - free, super-easy activities - for young children
- Inclusive theatre - Tuesdays and Fridays online - Shabang
- Online Lego workshop - 7 stories, Facebook
- Learning with MineCraft - Education MineCraft
- A modulated and monitored, online site for autistic children and young people - Autcraft
- Tinkercad - Free software tools that help you to think, create and make 3D models online. MineCraft, Lego, and other tools
- Board Game arena - Play board games online free
- Make a Coronavirus Time Capsule - to record this moment in history
- Chester Zoo - Fun resources / virtual tours
- Virtual Tours - Virtual online tours - including zoos, landmarks in foreign countries, etc.
- Aquarium – Georgia aquarium allowing you to tour under the sea
- Virtual farm trips - American dairy association
- Virtual field trips - Created for children, but they look great for adults too!
- Edinburgh Zoo - Live streams: Panda Cam | Tiger Cam | Penguin Cam | Rock Hopper Penguin Cam | Koala Cam
Movement and exercise
- Access Sport - Inclusive home activities - DOWNLOAD PDF HERE
- Jump Start Johnny - Exercise and dance for children
- Ideas for exercise/getting moving at home - Gnoodle - Energetic education
- Free, fun activities to get children moving - iMoves
- PE with Joe Wicks - YouTube
- Fine motor: Kim Griffrin, Occupational Therapist - Daily fine motor activities families can follow along to at 11am on Facebook - the videos will also be available on Griffin OT-YouTube
Concentration and behaviour resources
- Now/Next, Now/Next/Then, Now/Next/Then/Reward - Step-by-step instructions & resources to increase engagement in structured tasks - No experience required - includes simple, step-by-step instructions
- Simple, positive behaviour support resource. Plus a resource to help improve motivation in structured tasks - No experience required, includes simple, step-by-step instructions and resources for those who:
- struggle with impulsivity
- display negative reactions to rules and routines
- struggle to regulate their emotions during structured and unstructured tasks
- who require a high level of adult support within structured tasks for attention, engagement and to complete tasks.
- Task Focus Boards - Redirecting and maintaining attention in tasks - No experience required - includes simple, step-by-step instructions
- Good sitting/listening/waiting - Independent and generalisation of skills - No experience required - includes simple, step-by-step instructions
- A free resource to support children and young people during structured tasks - Working towards boards - No experience required - includes simple, step-by-step instructions
- FREE weekly webinars from Studio III on managing behaviour/stress/autism among other topics. Email to book & to find out what's coming up this week.
- Managing behaviour of concern - Empathetic stress support - Studio III
- The challenging behaviour foundation - info on ‘Restrictions on Contact with Family’ and FAQs ‘Coronavirus and the Law’ both in collaboration with a Barrister to help with guidance throughout the coming weeks
Anxiety, emotions and coping with change
- Supporting children with a change in routine - Free ChatterPack resource
Credit: Julie Rayner, Irish Psychotherapy association Download PDF
- Video/visual breathing exercise to calm stress - YouTube
- Grounding/calming video - Beacon House
- Drama Therapist/Educator - Videos helping children through fun activities to manage their feelings during this time
A simple story - to help children manage anxiety about Coronavirus
- MIND - coronavirus and your wellbeing
- Young minds - mental health support for young people
- Bereavement support for children - NurtureUK
Credit: Mike Arminger - Download PDF
- Beating the Virus - Free e-book - A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe.
- Phoenix education - Coronavirus information for children
- Why are schools closing? - Video by Skyward kids life skills
A simple, visual resource - explaining Coronavirus
Social Stories - about Coronovirus by Carol Grey - Carol's club - more social stories
- A video explaining social distancing - YouTube
Credit: Josie Maitland
Information for parents, carers, and schools
- FREE weekly webinars from Studio III on managing behaviour/stress/autism among other topics. Email to book & to find out what's coming up this week.
- Free CPD webinars for SENCOs - Starting on 21st April 2020
- A daily SEND Q&A session to answer any questions in the Education Matters group on FaceBook (UK) - Simpson Millar
- A video by Steve Broach, Public Law Barrister, explaining the coronavirus bill (UK) and the implications for disabled children
- Latest Coronavirus information for SEND parents - Lots more information in the articles on the left-hand side of the page (via the link to Special Needs Jungle)
- CCH Community Child health - A guide for parents and carers to support children with learning disabilities or autism while practicing social distancing and self-isolation
- Online articles for SEND parents - Relating to topics such as disability
- Information and training on ADHD, autism, SLCN's, Dyslexia, Sensory processing, Working memory, ABI and other areas of special educational needs and disabilities - list compiled by Jarlath O'Brien
- Educational Adviser, Gareth Morewood shares well wishes and useful resources on behalf of the entire S3 community during this uncertain time period: Audio recording here
- National Online safety - Top tips on how to learn safely online for: Parent/carers | Children | Teachers
- Twitter Online weekly chats for families and teachers - #PRUbookclub (Mon 7:30pm) | #SENexchange (weds 8-8:30pm) | #EYFSchat | #PrimaryRocks (Mon 8-9pm) | #SpecialEDchat
- CPD - Information and training on ADHD, autism, SLCN's, Dyslexia, Sensory processing, Working memory, ABI and other areas of special educational needs and disabilities - list compiled by Jarlath O'Brien
- Free TA courses - Maximising TA's | Home study | Open learn | Future Learn
- Free CPD and training opportunities - Via Andrew Kitterick
Sharing notice
The links in this list to the Speech Link and Language link website are all Copywritten to, Speech Link Multimedia Ltd
- They do not give permission to: Upload the files to other websites/file sharing facility / Sell the files or printed versions of the files / Email the files or post them on social media
- They do give permission to: Download and print the files for your own use/email or post a link to the files only
so informative
Fantastic resources. Thank you for compiling the list for us.
A great list of resources – thank you
Thank you for the amazing lists of resources
Such an amazing list of resources. Such a great help.
This is such an informative and user friendly pack – thank you so much for putting so many things together. Easy to access for parents/carers and school staff.
Excellent list. Thank you for putting it together. I am the director Linden Global Learning Support Services, a learning support agency based in Germany. We have a dynamic team of learning support and behavioral specialists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, counselors and school psychologists, so we are very very grateful for your work!
Thank you for this it has some amazing links and information.
Super course great resources and very informative
super online course great resources very informative
My son is self isolated and he has got ADHD
Thank you so much for this list, so many great links
A lot of free resources and information. Thank you.
Thank you so much for all the sites and information so very helpful
Amazing wealth of resources. Thank you.
Wow great work, God bless you